Iss Management Trainee Programme
Are you ambitious, talented and looking to fast-forward your management career?
We are offering a limited number of positions to young professionals with management potential and a commercial mindset. Successful applicants will join our new pipeline of managers across the EMEA region, who will lead the transformation of ISS from single service supplier to a provider of integrated facility service solutions.
Starting in September 2015, our intensive programme will position you for an immediate managerial role, providing you with an excellent understanding and skills within operations, customer partnerships and strategy. From day one, you will be allocated a high-profile member of our executive management team as you personal coach and mentor. You will then work through tours of duty in our largest areas of operation and leadership development activities at a local, Nordic, and global level. Once you have completed the 18 month programme, our aim is to offer you a management position. Our long-term expectation is that you will move into a senior manager role.
Profil recherché
Are you Trainee material ?
You have a business-related degree and relevant work experience, either from an internship or job during your studies or from a commercial position within, for example, account management, sales or consultancy. You see your future within executive management and are ready to invest time and effort in your career.
As a person, you enjoy a complex challenge and demonstrate the right analytical, decision-making and executive potential for supporting customers in their business development. Your ambitious mindset is balanced by your respectful and empathetic attitude towards the people around you. You are also a strong communicator - in both written and spoken English - and you acknowledge the need to walk the talk in terms of company culture, and values.
Informations pratiques
Référence | FM/TP/COL/20031-9176317 |
Ville | 75017 Paris - France |
Niveau d'études | Bac +5 |
Années d'expérience | 6 mois - 1 an |
Type de contrat | CDI |
Type d'emploi | Temps plein |
Date de début du contrat | 20 mars 2015 |
A propos de l'Entreprise
A propos d'ISS :
ISS France est un acteur majeur du marché des services aux entreprises et aux collectivités, filiale du 4e employeur privé mondial (532 000 collaborateurs, 10 milliards d'euros de chiffre d'affaires réalisés dans plus de 50 pays). Il constitue le premier employeur étranger dans l'Hexagone avec 27 000 collaborateurs, quotidiennement au service de plus de 60 000 clients et a été élu meilleure entreprise d'externalisation au monde en 2013 et en 2014.
Nos équipes de professionnels, experts et engagés, vous accompagnent quotidiennement dans vos démarches d'externalisation de service. Vous vous recentrez sur votre cœur de métier en vous appuyant sur notre large offre de services. Les équipes d'ISS France, passionnées par le service client, sont animées par un seul objectif : la satisfaction client.